My passion for foreign travel, interest in history and cultural anthropology, and hobby of photography all culminated in spending several years documenting Syria’s cultural heritage. From that experience, these projects developed.
Lens on Syria
Published by Just World Books and available in both paperback and hard cover, the 304 pages of this full color volume feature over 400 photographs capturing Syria’s unique history and culture.
Restore Syria
Documenting ongoing restoration efforts, as Syria attempts to move beyond the conflict that has engulfed it for the past decade. Joint venture with an independent Syrian researcher.
Syria Photo Guide
Initially intended to serve as a travel guide for tourists visiting the country, Syria Photo Guide has developed into one o the most comprehensive resources documenting Syria’s many hundreds of historic and cultural sites.
While only an amateur with basic equipment, I occasionally manage to capture some decent images.
Business trips to China’s Guangdong province have become part of my work routine. Each trip, I try to devote some time to exploring the cultural heritage of Southeast China, and capturing it in photography.
Between 2003 and 2009, I spent just over three years living in and traveling throughout Syria, documenting its history and culture through photography. Here, I have curated a collection of my favorite images.
I only carried a basic 35mm film camera throughout most of my travels, to which several boxes in my closet survive as evidence. I will attempt to scan and share the images I am most proud of here.
My musings on travel, culture, politics, technology, photography, punk rock, and various other subjects.

By trade, I am information technology professional with over 20 years of experience across several positions in the field: computer service technician, quality control manager, data analyst, and web developer.
Currently, I am happily employed by iFixit in San Luis Obispo overseeing all aspects of quality control in our parts supply chain.
WordPress, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop
Work Experience
iFixit, San Luis Obispo, California
Global Operations Process Lead
MacSuperstore, San Luis Obispo, California
Lead Service Technician, Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT)
Demeter Amplification, San Luis Obispo, California
Electronics Assembler & Webmaster
MacTalk, Woodland Hills, California
Service Technician
United Group for Marketing, Damascus, Syria
Friends Center, Damascus, Syria
English Language Instructor
Volunteer Experience
Los Angeles Conservation Corps, Angelus Oaks, California
AmeriCorps Volunteer
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, California
AA-T Anthropology, AA-T Sociology, AA-T Political Science, AA Sociology, AA Liberal Arts: Social & Behavioral Sciences, AA Liberal Arts: Arts & Humanities
4.0 GPA
Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.